IT ... - ING

ing form subjects

When the subject is a phrase that includes a gerund, it is used as a provisional subject to begin the sentence. This is usually rather informal.
  • It is no good your trying to deceive us. (More natural than Your trying to deceive us is no good.)
  • It is no fun having so many children to look after.
  • It is just silly throwing away your chances like that.
  • It was a tough job starting the car with such a weak battery.
  • Is it any use expecting them to be on time?
  • It's nice being with you.
  • I didn't think it worth it complaining about the meal.
  • It's no use his/him apologising - I shall never forgive him.
  • I thought it pointless starting before eight o'clock.

nouns and -ING forms 

When there is a noun which has a similar meaning to an -ing form, the noun is usually preferred.

We are all excited about his arrival. (NOT ... about his arriving).

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