This looks exactly the same as a present participle, and for this reason it is now common to call both forms 'the -ing form'. However it is useful to understand the difference between the two. The gerund always has the same function as a noun (although it looks like a verb), so it can be used:

a. as the subject of the sentence:

  • Eating people is wrong.
  • Hunting elephants is dangerous.
  • Flying makes me nervous.

b. as the complement of the verb 'to be':

  • One of his duties is attending meetings.
  • The hardest thing about learning English is understanding the gerund.
  • One of life's pleasures is having breakfast in bed.

c. after prepositions. The gerund must be used when a verb comes after a preposition:

  • Can you sneeze without opening your mouth?
  • She is good at painting.
  • They're keen on windsurfing.
  • She avoided him by walking on the opposite side of the road.
  • We arrived in Madrid after driving all night.
  • My father decided against postponing his trip to Hungary.

This is also true of certain expressions ending in a preposition, e.g. in spite of, there's no point in..:

  • There's no point in waiting.
  • In spite of missing the train, we arrived on time.

d. after a number of 'phrasal verbs' which are composed of a verb + preposition/adverb

to look forward to, to give up, to be for/against, to take to, to put off, to keep on:

  • I look forward to hearing from you soon. (at the end of a letter)
  • When are you going to give up smoking?
  • She always puts off going to the dentist.
  • He kept on asking for money.

NOTE: There are some phrasal verbs and other expressions that include the word 'to' as a preposition, not as part of a to-infinitive: - to look forward to, to take to, to be accustomed to, to be used to. It is important to recognise that 'to' is a preposition in these cases, as it must be followed by a gerund:

  • We are looking forward to seeing you.
  • I am used to waiting for buses.
  • She didn't really take to studying English.

It is possible to check whether 'to? is a preposition or part of a to-infinitive: if you can put a noun or the pronoun 'it' after it, then it is a preposition and must be followed by a gerund:

  • I am accustomed to it (the cold).
  • I am accustomed to being cold.

e. in compound nouns


  • a driving lesson, a swimming pool, bird-watching, train-spotting

It is clear that the meaning is that of a noun, not of a continuous verb.


  • the pool is not swimming, it is a pool for swimming in.

f. in compound adjectives
  • I saw a man-eating alligator.
  • I saw a man eating alligator.
  • Noun + Present Participle

    When we have a noun + present participle, we put a hyphen between the two words to make it a compound adjective.
    • I bought some mouth-watering strawberries.
    • That was a record-breaking jump.
    • That certainly is an attention-getting outfit. (showy, llamativo)
  • Adjective + Present Participle

    When we have an adjective + present participle, we put a hyphen between the two words to make it a compound adjective.
    • She is a good-looking girl.
    • It left a long-lasting taste in my mouth.

g. after the expressions:

can't help, can't stand, it's no use/good, and the adjective worth:

  • The elephant couldn't help falling in love with the mouse.
  • I can't stand being stuck in traffic jams.
  • It's no use/good trying to escape.
  • It might be worth phoning the station to check the time of the train.

h. after more expressions:
there's no telling / knowing / denying (the fact that...)
  • Once he got her going on her grandchildren, there was no stopping her. * There was no stopping the flood
  • How about going to the cinema tonight?


A gerund is a verbal noun, which is a form of verb that always ends in –ing and functions as a noun.
  • It seems none of them likes my singing. (The word singing is a gerund.)
A gerund often follows a verb, and a preposition does not come between the gerund and the verb.


  • They discussed getting married. (Not: They discussed to getting married.)
  • I like walking in the rain.
  • The dog stopped barking when I gave it a bone.
  • He has just finished quarrelling with his wife.
  • The prince has consistently denied murdering his wife.

Gerund is used as a subject in a sentence.


  • Washing his care is something he hates most.
  • Watching television to some is a waste of time.
  • Attending church is not something the family does often.
  • Smoking is bad for your health.
  • Working in a foreign country can be very difficult.
  • Learning a foreign language can be a real challenge.
  • Skipping to her is a better alternative to jogging.

Gerund used as an object in a sentence.


  • She prefers any of the household chores to mopping.
  • Her sister does not like cooking.
  • Her everyday exercise includes deep breathing.

Gerund comes after a preposition.


  • He is addicted to playing online games.
  • His parents were well accustomed to working hard.
  • She is very excited about meeting him for the first time.
  • Jane is very pleased with getting the desired exam results.
  • Many will remember them for winning the first gold medal for the country.
  • We apologized for arriving late.
  • John has become interested in catching scorpions for fun.
  • Jack looks forward to running his own loan shark business.

Gerund comes after conjunctions.


  • Mr Black usually says a prayer for world peace before going to bed.
  • Mrs White still looks quite scared after watching two crocodiles fight in her dream.
  • I have learned to be careful since knocking my head against the wall.

Gerund follows an adjective.


  • The police are still trying to establish a motive for the cold-blooded killing.
  • The new stadium has got very bright lighting.
  • This boy never cries whenever he gets a severe scolding from his parents.

Gerund may come before another noun.


  • The sitting room is where she relaxes.
  • It is so much fun to be at the swimming pool.
  • Someone took all my gardening tools from my garden.
  • One of the folding legs of the ironing board is broken.
  • Although he is100 years old, he moves about without the aid of a walking stick.
  • He had a frightening dream about a fire-breathing dragon chasing him.

Gerund can be plural countable nouns.


  • Airport authority has issued several warnings about pickpocket.
  • Last month, the local vicar conducted ten weddings.
  • The boy showed me his three drawings of ugly witches riding African elephants.

We can use ‘be used to’ / ‘get used to’ with gerund.


  • was used to watching vultures perched on a rocky cliff, but I never have the time now.
  • Sarah is used to donating her blood at the medical centre.
  • After his wife died, he had to get used to looking after the kids on his own.

Gerund in a negative statement
To make a gerund negative, just add the negative word not before the gerund.


  • He says not learning is the best thing in his life.
  • My not singing in the shower can make her very happy.
  • Her bad habit is not answering the phone when it rings.
  • Not marrying him is not on her mind.

Phrasal verb + gerund
A phrasal verb consists of a verb and a preposition which together have its own meaning (e.g. cut down = to reduce the amount of something). The following examples show the phrasal verbs and gerunds in bold.


  • Julia carried on talking even though no one was listening. (Phrasal verb: carried on)
  • Jack keeps on scratching his head and we wonder why.
  • Jan gave up driving after her car was hit by a truck.
  • He does not know when he will get around to doing the living room.
  • We stayed up late watching the horror movie last night.

Gerund used in other expressions


  • It is no use crying over spilt milk.
  • This new gadget is for opening canned food.
  • Where do you usually go for fishing?
  • I must do some ironing tonight.
  • Now you regret being so rude to her.
  • If only you had stopped talking and listened to your mother.
  • We could go on dancing all night.
  • She prefers having dinner at home to eating out.
  • She thinks my hair needs shampooing.

When a gerund forms part of a phrase, it is called a gerund phrase. A gerund phrase may also include modifiers and complements.


  • Weekend coastal sailing has always been his passion.
    (The gerund phrase is weekend coastal sailing.)
  • The big fat fellow with a bushy beard enjoys doing magic at children's parties.
    (The gerund phrase is doing magic at children's parties.)

2 comentarios:

  1. This is awesome! Thank you so much for sharing it with us! I wish there were more activities like this to teach other grammar points on Gerunds. Thanks again.
