NOMINALIZATION (from Phrasal Verbs)

Nouns based on / formed from phrasal verbs

(Phrasal verbs) Nouns made from verb + particle

In English we often create nouns from verbs, e.g. to invite 1 an invitation. In the same way it is sometimes possible to create a noun from a phrasal verb. Look at these examples.

Tom: Lily: I got ripped off when I phoned that 0877 number [informal: was charged too much].
The call cost five pounds a minute! Yes, those numbers are a big rip-off. Mona: Her son dropped out of college last year. [gave up his course]
Ed: Mm. There were a lot of dropouts that year. I wonder why? Mick: Pat: Somebody broke in last night and stole a computer from the school. [entered by force to steal something]
Really? That's the second break-in this year! Rules for the use of verb + particle'noun forms

The plural is formed by adding -s to the particle, not the verb, e.g. break-ins, dropouts, rip-offs. An exception is goings-on [strange or amusing events], which is always plural.

There was a lot of gossip about the goings-on at the office party.

Verb + particle noun forms are sometimes written with a hyphen, e.g. break-in, check-in, cover-up; and sometimes without, e.g. dropout, checkout, crackdown. Nouns with -out and -over are usually written as one word, e-g. dropout, lookout, checkout, handout, changeover, leftovers. Nouns with -in, -up and less common particles usually have a hyphen, e.g. lie-in, mix-up, put-down, run-through. In pronunciation, the stress is on the verb, not the particle. a BREAK-in at the office, college DROPouts.

(Phrasal Verb) Nouns made from particle + verb

Some phrasal verbs have noun forms where the particle is first. The stress in pronunciation is usually on the particle. phrasal verb set out, fall down, look on. The particle + verb nouns are outset, downfall, onlooker example:

I knew from the outset that there would be problems. [beginning]
The economic crisis caused the downfall of the government. [sudden failure or end]
Crowds of onlookers watched as the police arrested the man. [someone who watches an event but doesn't take part]


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